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Cheap 1325 Automated Plasma Cutter Machine For Sheet Metal

Price:  Wholesale price: 
Min. amount:1 1300×2500mm
Company:Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Contact person:Cheng Cherry

Cheap 1325 Automated Plasma Cutter Machine For Metal Sheet

Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.,a professional China CNC Router Manufacturer.

Automated plasma cutter, also known as cnc plasma cutting machine, is the machinery which can cut through electrically conductive materials by means of an accelerated jet of hot plasma. Typical materials can cut by this process include steel, aluminum, brass and copper. Automated plasma cutting machine is often used in fabrication and welding shops, sign making shops and some other fields.


Applicable Material of 1325 plasma cutter

Sheet metal includes steel, stainless steel, iron, aluminum, brass and copper.


Application Field of 1325 plasma cutting machine

Decorative metalwork, sign-making, wall art, address signs, and outdoor garden art.


Features of automated plasma cutter:

1) High speed, precision cuts, combined with low cost of operation.

2) Light beam and light Z axis design.

3) The Y-axis uses a dual drive, one for each side of the gantry.

4) Each axis of motion is supported on high precision linear guide ways. Hiwin linear guides allow for higher feed speeds and a better quality of cut. 

5) Anti – dust and anti – water design on X Y axis is protection for transmission part.  

6) Automated plasma cutting machine beam uses light structural design, with good rigidity structure, light deadweight and small movement inertia.