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Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" - traditional pharmacology surprise! - Ointment "T

Price:7.0 $  Wholesale price:  7.0 $
Company:Jumber Kiria - Disco
Contact person:Kiria Dmitry - Jumber
Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" (translation: ointment LIVE) without feeling a sharp pain and burning quickly treats burns of I, II and IIIa degree, with the same intensity reduces swelling, treats otitis media (middle ear inflammation), gingivitis, stomatitis , herpes, dermatitis, trauma, purulent and difficult healing wounds.
Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" in a few days salt dissolves, painful neoplasms, accelerates the healing of fractures.
Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" - an indispensable therapeutic remedy for treating inflammation of prostate, lymph, brisket and front cancer, acute nephritis, pressure sores and hemorrhoids. Regulates perspiration, removes unpleasant odor of foot between the toes, treats nesting hair loss, bites, warts, corns even when they are formed inside the tissue and helps only surgery. Eliminates vaginal pain, itching, burning, feeling of moisture, that means the ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" contains the set of good superposed therapeutic means, it fights with the only one reason as a result of which develops the disease, because it is the healer of a bone and also a unifying fabric, nerve, and viral, infectious, inflammatory, fungal disease and suppuration of the skin and mucous membranes and it is also soothing and accelerate the regeneration process.
The hard-probable, but the fact of stubborn ...
Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" should be used without fear, doubt and laziness. With faith and determination to treat yourselves first and then the others and the result will be inevitable.
Ointment "TSOTSHALI" - "VITA" - surprise traditional pharmacology that is forgotten past.

Online-consultation with the author: TSOTSKHALI VITA; Tsotskhali Vita; Skype: dimitri_808