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Klinger level gauge glass A8

Price:6 $  Wholesale price:  6 $
Min. amount:10 320x30x17
Company:Hebei Fuyuan Sealings Material Co,.Ltd
Contact person:Elena Wang Elena
Borosilicate Green plain borosilicate gauge sight glass 

Transparent sight glass is made from tempered borosilicate glass, it can be used with all media at service conditions up to 4MPa and temperature up to 430 °C.

The side facing the medium chamber is provided with molded grooves set at 90°angles. The moulding process increases the resistance of the glass grooves to wear; the skin which the glass attains during moulding gives it maximum smoothness and hardness.This makes it extremely resistant to the attack of boiler water.

It is used on level gauge of boiler for water position. It is also named: Reflex Gauge Glass, Sight glass, Reflex Glasses, Reflex sight glass, Spares For level Gauge.

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