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Agro tanks for sprayers

Price:1 506 UAH  Wholesale price:  1 506 UAH
Min. amount:1 200
Company:LLC «Ukrhimplast»
Contact person:Gnatyuk Alexander
We produce AGRO serires tanks for sprayers with capacity from 200l. to 5 000l.
  • Durable in operation
  • Inner partitions
  • 100% water draining
  • Passport and warranty!

Agro-Series tanks are avavilable from 2007. They are designed according to suggestions of producers of agricultural machinery. This product was repeatedly improved to reflect operating experience and is being brought to a high degree of reliability.

Agro-series tanks passed bench tests in Ukrainian Agricultural Technologies Research Institute..

Tanks are made of high-strength, freeze-resistant (from -40 ° C to +60 ° C) polyethylene. The material of products is durable and resistant to UV exposure.

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