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Pan World Magnetic Pump

Price:500 $  Wholesale price:  500 $
Min. amount:1 1
Company:A&S Pump Co.,Ltd
Contact person:Hou John Hou
AS Pump Co.,Ltd can provide all kinds of Pan World magnetic pumps:
PI-Z-D Series: NH-5PI-Z-D, NH-10PI-Z-D, NH-15PI-Z-D, NH-20PI-Z-D, NH-30PI-Z-D
PX Series: NH-1PX , NH-1PX-Z, NH-3PX, NH-5PX, NH-10PX, NH-30PX, NH-40PX, NH-50PX, NH-100PX
PX-F Series: NH-30PX-F, NH-40PX-F. NH-50PX-F, NH-100PX-F.
PX-N Series: NH-1PX-N, H-3PX-N, H-5PX-N, H-10PX-N, H-39PX-N, H-40PX-N, H-50PX-N
PX-D Series: NH-5PX-D, NH-10PX-D, NH-5PX-Z-D, NH-30PX-Z-D, NH-40PX-Z-D, NH-50PX-Z-D
PS Series: NH-125PS, NH-150PS, NH-200PS, NH-250PS, NH-275PS, NH-300PS
PS-K Series:NH-200PS-Z-K, NH-200PS-K, NH-250PS-K, NH-300PS-K 
PW Series: NH-350PW, NH-351PW, NH-352PW, NH-353PW, NH-400PW, NH-400PW, NH-401PW, NH-403PW, NH-505PW
PW-C Series: NH-250PW-C, NH-401PW-C, NH-402PW-C, NH-403PW-C, NH-405PW-C, NH-505PW-C, NH-507PW-C, NH-657PW-C, NH-6510PW-C
PW-XJ Series: NH-40-140PW-XJ, NH-40-180PW-XJ
PW-F Series: NH-350PW-F, NH-351PW-F, NH-353PW-F, NH-402PW-F, NH-505PW-F(L)
NH-403PW-F-FV-H-22C Pump, etc. 
Besides, we also provide other Pan World pump types including:
Pan World chemical resistance pump
Pan World magnetic water pump
Pan World seal-less magnetic pump
Pan World chemical pump
Pan World leak-free chemical pump
Pan World centrifugal pump
Contact Us
WhatsApp: +86 17311725072
AS Pump Co.,Ltd. 
Tel: +86-28-62136108
Fax: +86-28-86129221
469 Xinsheng Road, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, China