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Collector buys icons

Offer type: куплюPublished: 20.03.2018
Seller:Andrej Viktorovich
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A collector will buy the badges of the USSR.
Interested in the pre-war period, Also the icons of the great Patriotic war.
The icons before the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Interested in military, Soviet badges to 1960 with the screw mount,
such as Drummer, excellence, etc.
Is increased interest in the tokens and signs of tsarist Russia.
Will help to make a real assessment, I guarantee a decent pay.

Drop by our office. M. Goloseevskaya Goloseevskiy Prospekt 70.
hotel "Mir" 329 3 floor room.

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or call: tel (066)472-16-20.(096)208-31-34. (063)700-40-42.