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Sell Rice, camolino, round, brown, wild, and other varieties

Offer type: salePublished: 23.11.2017
Price:11 UAH
Company:OOO Arroz
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

The company "Arroz" is one of the largest European manufacturers of round rice is the premium quality under the brand name "Arroz".
In production process we use only the best raw materials and varieties of paddy rice, due to this our company produces round rice premium, such as Camolino Round , "To", Osmancik, Sushi, Brown, Brown brown.
Our company involves the latest equipment for the processing of paddy rice from manufacturers, which allows to preserve the useful properties of products,
to meet the needs of the most sophisticated consumers of rice.
All products are designed for consumers with different purchasing power.

Shipment , Kherson region, Kalanchak district