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Gift set for a lawyer, judge, auctioneer, head

Offer type: salePublished: 31.03.2015
Price:100 $
Company:Salon Lestnits
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

Are you in search of status and original gift? You want to surprise and to leave behind a legacy? Gift set "the Hammer" will cope with this the tasks and then.

Made of wood 1st grade, uncovered durable lacquer and decorated with brass insert the gold. Perfect gift for important and expensive people.


Gift set includes: hammer, hammer, textile packaging, the shipping box. For auctioneers you can buy a set figures A5 and A4.


Also, you can choose the model of a hammer classic or modern.

To make gifts so nice.

T. 099 23 235 97, 780 057 08 03