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The color wheel

Offer type: salePublished: 31.03.2015
Price:95 UAH
Company:Imidzh-studiya LuxStyle
Seller:Natal'ya Goncharova
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast'
Color wheel helps us to correctly combine colors in clothing, interior and other areas of creativity. In the activity use the color wheel designers, photographers, stylists, image-makers, makeup artists and other creative people who want to enjoy the flowers around him. The color wheel is a two sided disc with the printed palette, on each side of the rotating templates. One side helps to combine colors and shades, and the other shows the result of color mixing.
Price: 120 USD. Diameter 20 cm, laminated
When ordering from 2 laps - free shipping. For wholesale customers special offers! 3 pieces - 95 UAH!!