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Mattresses of cotton from the Manufacturer. Different dimensions.

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Price:88 UAH
Company:chastnoe litso
Seller:Ovcharov Yurij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

The cotton mattresses in Bulk from a warehouse in Kiev from the manufacturer. Different the dimensions. Available and under the order.
Filler mattress Wat n/W (GOST 63.13-79). On mattress cover - calico.
Delivery is done according to Your wish.

Or pickup Kiev W/M residential street Liskovska.

60*120*5 - UAH 88
60*140*7 - UAH 96
70*190*10 - UAH 126
80*190*10 - UAH 138
90*190*10 - 150 UAH
110*190*10 - UAH 165
120*190*10 - UAH 185
140*190*10 - 226 UAH
160*190*10 - UAH 268