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Brief biography of Stalin. Lifetime edition

Offer type: salePublished: 11.07.2018
Price:330 UAH
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Name: Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Short bio lifetime edition

Second edition, revised and enlarged.

Year: Moscow - 1948
Published on: 24 Dec 1947
Compiled By: G. F. Alexandrov, M. R. Galaktionov, V. S. Kruzhkov, M. B. Mitin, V. D. Mochalov, P. N. Pospelov.
Volume: 15 L. p. 1/4 + 1 3/4 p. L. illustrations
Condition: normal

Publisher: ogiz ( Association of state book and magazine publishers ), publishing and industrial complex of the RSFSR and the USSR.
About the publisher:
According to the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) on 30 July 1930 in connection with the centralization of the publishing industry.
Acted at the people's Commissariat of education of RSFSR, 1940, at SNK of the RSFSR (1946 of the USSR). Part Agiza included 27 publishers.
In 1949, ogiz liquidated, its functions transferred to the Main Directorate for printing industry, publishing houses and book trade of the USSR (Glavpolitprosvet)