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Crab whole,limb cutting,live,masago,tuna,scallop,lobster,gaze,Udon

Offer type: salePublished: 26.07.2014
Seller:Ivanovna Elena
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast'
Production plant, Balashikha,M. O., offers products of self-processing: crab meat Royal first phalanx from 1500,second phalanx from 1250,knee 850,rose from 850, the first phalanx of the chitin from 1650,fist fighting in the chitin from 1200,the second phalanx in the chitin from 1250 rubles per kg of crab Legs Royal SSRC 800-ham one limb from 1,100 rubles per kg Masago all the colors of caviar Icelandic and Norwegian capelin ,without moisture,it is not painted,packing ham from 260 rubles. Lobster canadian wild 400gramm from 790 rubles per kg shrimp block 21/25,b/g, from India 1400 rubles per 1.8 kg,langoustines Argentina 900 rubles per unit 2kg,caviar red new catch of cubitainer 13kg from Ala per kg,black sturgeon from 950 rubles per 30g,scallops Sakhalin is not bleached 10/15 pieces per kg,from 850 rubles, dumplings gaze ham packaging from Ala,noodles cooked frozen Udon production China from 125 rubles per pack ham.Tuna blue fin fillet 300-500 grams Indonesia from Ala kg for Call forward to working with the regions of the Russian Federation,Kazakhstan,Belarus, shipping by plane, train, auto refregiration , a full package of documents for all products.