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Gauge railway MP-U (disk)

Offer type: salePublished: 23.12.2016
Seller:Smirnoff Roman
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Address:Nizhegorodskaya Oblast', Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Gauge railway MP-U (disk), 10 kgf/cm2
Cash, Bank transfer. Shipment By Automated Trading.
It is possible to send cash by Mail of the Russian Federation.
Gauge railway MP-2 and MP-2 (disc) is designed for measurement of gauge pressure of non-aggressive to copper alloys, liquid and gaseous media (water, fuel, oil, air) in the power and brake systems and rolling stock of Railways, metro and tram carriages.
The pressure gauge MP-2 (disc) with a rotating disk is designed to measure the pressure of non-aggressive environments in the units of General purpose, and also for the reference pressure difference.