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Sell Corn flour fine grinding in bag (retail, wholesale)

Offer type: salePublished: 17.03.2019
Price:13.95 UAH
Seller:Mashkov Andrej A
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Quality corn flour fine grinding

   - Selling from 1 bag (40-50 kg); opt. from 1 ton;

    - The price of 13,95 UAH/kg;

    - Delivery throughout Ukraine.

Ordinary corn flour 9, 5 UAH/kg (in bags of 50 kg.)

Corn flour patisserie fine grinding.

This flour is used for baking confectionery. Is made from corn durum, fully complies with the existing standards. Corn flour confectionery fine grinding is realized small wholesale from MOQ is 500kg, and also large wholesale (20 tons).

    Corn flour little inferior to wheat in terms of amino acid and protein composition. But contains a lot of fiber, starch, thereby positively affects the processes of digestion. It is well absorbed by the body. The contents in corn large the amount of b vitamins, iron, potassium and magnesium, calcium makes it valuable food product.

Products of corn flour is especially recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and anemia. It is proved that the products from corn is useful in disorders of the intestine, liver, gallbladder. Useful corn and those who have fragile bones, loose tooth enamel.

The advantages of this product include:

· high nutritional value;

· the lack of gluten;

· high the content of microelements and vitamins;

· the contents a large amount of fiber.