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Pasta from Kiev!

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Company:OAO "Makaronnaya fabrika"
Seller:Vyacheslav Anatol'evich
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast'
JSC"pasta factory" ,Kiev is the largest producer of pasta in Ukraine, the company is equipped with the most modern equipment of leading world manufacturers: automatic line world-renowned Swiss company "BUHLER" technology "Turbothermic and Italian PAVAN . The factory produces more than 60 titles pasta "Extra": weight and packaged 0.4 kg 0,45 kg 05 kg 0,6 kg 0,7 kg 0,8 kg; 0.9 kg; 1,0 kg in colorful stacks of cardboard and bags made of polymeric materials .