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Spare parts for machinery and crane equipment.

Offer type: salePublished: 09.01.2014
Seller:Drobizova Irina Ivanovna
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Address:Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk
Our company has extensive experience in the production of such important components as the crane wheels and crane wheel Assembly).
crane wheels (odnovremennye, dvokrevetne, bezrabotnye) standard and
drawings of the customer F. to 1000 mm;
- cargo hooks, pull, gripper;
- hook assemblies;
- gear clutch MZ-1....MZ-15;
crane brakes (TAG, TCPs, TCP).
The heat treatment. Great choice of accommodation from a warehouse and to order parts, accessories, components Assembly for cutting equipment.
- spare parts, tooling and nodes in the collection
- services for Metalworking on the equipment;
service heat treatment.