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Do you need Finance
200 000 UAH  sell
Do you need Finance? Are you looking for Finance? Are you looking for finance to enlarge your business? We help individuals and companies to obtain finance for business expanding and to setup a new business ranging
Australia, Adelaide
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простой вескель
20 000 EUR  sell
Здравствуйте! Необходима ваша помощь. Я являюсь векселедержателем простого сосудов на предъявителя, выданного держит компанией. Хотел бы Вам его предложить, с целью продажи. Не интересует ли Вас данное предложение?
Russian Federation, Tyva Republic, Bay-Tal
Purchase and sale of promissory notes blank promissory notes, consultation(495)5170943
The PROMISSORY note and its use in business (clearance of accounts receivable and accounts payable, payment for works and services, the security for getting a loan from a Bank, loan, mortgage, lease, barter,
Russian Federation
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We provide legitimate and genuine loan service.
We provide legitimate and genuine loan service. Searching for a genuine loan? Then you came to the right place. We offer loans for just two percent interest rate. We offer all types of loans and bad credit history
Russian Federation, Volgogradskaya Oblast'
Loan up to 2% ( Long money)
We invite owners of large enterprises to dialogue on the provision of financial credit. Pre-payment and no Commission.Also there is no need to register,abroad,, and ,,to open accounts,. Loan interest rate
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Credit up to 2% ( Long money)
Dear owners! We offer long-term loans (Long money) for projects of companies and regional administrations. The credit rate to 2% of the annual suspended all payments to three years. Credit(loan) direct from
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Up to 2% annual interest rate on the loan companies
We invite you to dialogue serious businessmen to provide credit to businesses, administrations of cities and investment packages from only € 50 million. The annual interest rate to 2% per year.Possible,vacation credit,
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Accounting services
Accounting and legal services for enterprises of all ownership forms in different areas -Organization of accounting in accordance with national standards, development of accounting policies and workflow enterprise
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Contact us for your loan online
You need a loan? We offer loans if you are an entrepreneur who wants to start their own business or someone looking for a personal loan. This is an important opportunity for you to get the loan that you need.
Republic of Kazakhstan
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Credit up to 2% ( Long money)
Dear owners of big business - Our JSC offers You preferential long-term loans of up to 2% for a period of 10 years.Defer all payments three years, including the body of the loan. Credit is not a Bank. Prepayments
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Credit up to 2%
services HC. The Lord our OJSC is ready to hold dialogue to provide long-term credit to Your company for a period of 10 years at an interest rate of the loan up to 2%. Investment packages
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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The development of Business Plans, financing!
How to increase the chances of the project for investment/loan? How to package the project? How to get a competent business plan? How to speak the same language with the investor/Bank? We will tell, go to
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Credit : 1,5%- 2% for a period of 10 years
services will Provide a long-term loan is serious business.Without prepayments. In the business are not included. Hidden prepayments for the study of business plans, and all sorts of,
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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"Long money" - a long-term loan ,the term of 10 years, the rate to 2%
Our AO is ready to provide "long money" - the repayment period of only 10 years. Interest on the loan up to 2% per annum. Moreover, from the interest payment for the loan we are exempt for a period of three
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Secured credit up to 2% per annum with a deferred payment for three years
JSC in Moscow in my office stands ready for further dialogue to negotiate on the subject of financial aid and loans on preferential conditions and with long-term maturity investments. Investment packages: -
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Loan on line loans and for working capital
PC "vis "Capital club business provides LOANS day day or every other day. The interest rate is 8% per month typically supply amount from 1 to 150 million rubles, but there can always be exceptions. Cash or
Republic of Belarus
The loan from JSC under 1.5% -2% annual rate
JSC In Moscow in my office stands ready for further dialogue to negotiate on the subject of financial aid and loans on preferential conditions and with long-term maturity investments. Investment packages: -
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Will provide a loan of 1.5% - 2% with a grace period of three years
Who cares and is our proposal ? It is interesting and beneficial to those who associate themselves with the word, a prudent owner, ! No risk in working with us : 1.The contract is sent to the provision of
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Money business under 1.5% -2%
JSC In Moscow in my office stands ready for further dialogue to negotiate on the subject of financial aid and loans on preferential conditions and with long-term maturity investments. Investment packages: -
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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Working capital for the enterprise
JSC In Moscow in my office stands ready for further dialogue to negotiate on the subject of financial aid and loans on preferential conditions and with long-term maturity investments. Investment packages: -
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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