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Dried fruit, nuts and seeds, honey, bean, selinsgrove flour.

Offer type: salePublished: 30.12.2016
Price:40 UAH
Company:internet-magazin Dom Hleba
Seller:Gorshkova Natal'ya
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Online health food store "House of Bread" offers:
The honey collected in protected area, during flowering 200 medicinal herbs. Reserve "Mikhailovskaya Tselina". This is a unique natural object in Lebedinsky district, Sumy region. Honey is very tasty, ekoprodukt.
Motley grass honey - 97 gr./liter
honey and coriander saleeby - 117 gr./liter
Coconut small 65% fat - 87 grams/ kg
figs dried - 120 g/ kg
dates - 53 g/kg
dried apricots - 115 g/kg
raisins - 55 g/kg
sesame crude - 68 g/kg
linen of the highest purification - 20 gr/kg
- raw sunflower seeds - 35 g/kg
red rice unpolished - 30 g / kg
brown rice is not polished - 30 g/kg
lentils - 42 g/kg
raw peanuts, not shelled - 68 g/ kg
chickpeas, garbanzo beans - 35 g/kg
kidney beans - 20 g/kg
green buckwheat - 45 g/kg
wholegrain wheat flour - 14/kg
wholegrain rye flour - 14 g/kg
flour oat whole grain - 19 g/kg

Read more, the store's website
Write, call! With pleasure will answer! Prices listed above can be taken in any quantity, even 300 gr. If you will be interested in the opt: call, write - we will cooperate. Sent A New Mail, Postal Service, Delivery.
Respond to calls and messages any day except Saturday.