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1-3 of salt grind 50 kg

Offer type: salePublished: 19.12.2015
Seller:Bets' Yuliya
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Salt(grind 1), she food and sodium chloride, is a nutrient known to man and used them from time immemorial. Salt food due to its properties and crystallizes at high temperature and at ordinary. Product moderately soluble in water, regardless of the temperature of the fluid. The solubility of salt in water is reduced if there is hydrogen chloride, sodium hydroxide, or salt the chlorides of the metal. In addition, salt dissolves in the ammonia in a liquid state, the product enters into the exchange reaction.Salt in bags delivered to our customers always on time and on favorable terms, and all thanks to a developed transport and logistics system, which is widely used by specialists our company.

Technical salt (grind 3) or the chloride sodium,

it's reliable the means of combating ice. Technical salt, buy that we offer beneficial from the point of view of material and time costs, buydomain in the the shortest possible time.Main uses:the Powder of roads; Water treatment;

Chemical industry (chlorine, caustic, etc.);

Salt technical its most common use is as a powder for

snowy and icy roads, sidewalks and pedestrian zones. In addition, technical salt, the price of which has never available in our company, can be used in the preparation and purification of water, in industrial and household devices for decreasing the hardness of the water in the boiler, when the production of caustic soda and chlorine and in the manufacture of drilling fluids and other technical purposes.