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Extra salt

Offer type: salePublished: 19.12.2015
Price:3 UAH
Seller:Bets' Yuliya
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Salt "Extra" to 50kg:

 Most often used in food industry. Without salt, most dishes may seem to be a fresh and tasteless.

 Salt "Extra" – it is a good preservative and antiseptic. She kills putrefactive bacteria in the food, so used in home preserving. The chemical industry also uses this product a water softener in boilers. It is prepared from sodium chlorate as a tool to the destruction of grassy weeds in agriculture. Ice long-acting – another derivative of a mixture of chipped ice and salt. Various derivatives of sodium and chlorine extracted from salt "Extra" in chemical laboratories. Medicine and pharmaceuticals can't do without salt. A 0.9% solution of this product is called the physical solution. It is used in the dehydration, as solvent for drugs. Just over a saturated solution was washed with purulent wounds on the skin and remove eye swelling. The price of salt "Extra" you can clarify by contacting us by phone: 098-021-33-25 066-408-30-40