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Sold factory cardboard.

Offer type: salePublished: 25.12.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk Oblast, Ulyanovsk
Location: Ulyanovsk region
Object type: Production
Property: 8 properties located on 35 Hectares,all in the property.
Land area: 35000 m2
Means of production: All the necessary equipment to complete production cycle.
Own boiler-house, the connected power of 600 kW, trucks and support vehicles.
Intangible assets: Known in the market for a company with a long history.
Revenue per month: 6.5 million rubles
Fund C/p: 780 thousand rubles
Age of business: 20 years
Number of employees: 130 people.
Qty panel. staff: 6 people
The main type of manufactured products - cardboard cushioning. Annual revenues of more than 80 million rubles loyal consumers throughout Russia and the CIS. Raw material - 100% recycled paper.