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The travel Agency under the franchise famous brand. Profit 288 thousand

Offer type: salePublished: 24.12.2014
Sold a profitable travel Agency under the franchise known tour operator. Tour operator resistant to crises and it last will leave the market. The deductible for this operator to get very hard and she is quite a lot of money. The business has been running for 6 years and consistently makes a profit from 180 to 450 thousand per month at speeds from 1.5 to 4.5 million rubles. The office is fully staffed in the corporate style, occupies the room of 14 m2, in the office has a terminal payment rounds. Furniture, staff, etc. Prepared by the standards of the network. Receiving calls is including from the General line of the tour operator.
Business at a glance:
-monthly turnover 1500000-4500000 RUB
-monthly profit 180000-450000 RUB
-taxes and other payments 15000
rent 30000
-salary 60000
-royalty 13500
-Franchise leading tour operator
-Transfer of calls from the Central line of the company
-Placement of information on the main website
-Trained and certified staff
-Fully proven profits
Business for sale in connection with employment in the primary business and lack of time. The owner is ready to help with advice at the initial stage.