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The best gift, of course HONEY!

Offer type: salePublished: 19.12.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Mytishchi
The dollar is up, the Rouble is down, and we have the old prices until the New Year!
The best gift, of course HONEY! Even a Donkey would know! And even better, when this honey in a gift crystal or wooden barrel, original crystal bowl or fine crystal jewelry box with elegant knife or gold spoon.
And do not think that such gifts You can't afford - if You buy the luxurious "Royal" gift for a very affordable "budget" amount.
Prices from 250 rubles to 1,500 rubles, depending on Your chosen varieties of honey ( 50 varieties) and two gift packaging (size and material).
All the honey directly from the best beekeepers Russia and CIS countries, kegs from the Altai region of environmentally friendly wood, covered with bee wax. Manual packing unheated honey.
Price, rubles: 250
Currency: Rubles