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New year Chinese tea sets

Offer type: salePublished: 16.12.2014
Seller:Noskova Nataliya Sergeevna
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Elite tea from China in stock! Tea as a gift for the New year in a beautiful package, the jars! Will do any combination you desire! Beautiful, useful, tasty! And tea utensils! Jars for storing tea, teapots, toolboxes and other Classic tea - da Hong PAO (Big red robe), Puer, Locsin (Dragon Well), tie Guanyin, red Jin Jun Mei, Goji berries! Details interesting articles on our site! Before you choose, see our articles about therapeutic SV-VA tea, their classification, methods of welding! Drink real tea leaves, giving family and friends!
Price, rubles: 500
Currency: Rubles