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Muffins, cupcakes, donuts, Berliners, cakes from

Offer type: salePublished: 12.12.2014
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Want to buy delicious desserts, baked caring hands? At any time of the year a good mood will give You delicious baked goods from the online store! Enjoy our muffins, donuts, cakes, cupcakes with nearly free delivery in Kiev and Kiev region, as well as in shock freezing all over Ukraine and neighboring countries.
Classic refined taste muffins with liquid filling from confectionery Deserticola. Light, natural, delicious, seductive. Chocolate or light dough, various fillers and berry filling. Everyone will find a favorite recipe!
Want to enjoy donuts? Original recipe makes our Berliners incredibly tasty and unusual decor and flavorful stuffing will give a wonderful feeling. This tasty dessert for sweet lovers.
Doughnut, glazed, decorated with delicious decor, with a hole in the donut is a donut. Gentle donate from Deserticola will be a great addition to Your lunch or family dinner.
mob. phone: +380986032718
website: www.десерты