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A gift for the new year and not only

Offer type: salePublished: 05.12.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Primorskiy Kray, Vladivostok
Christmas Personalized video greetings to Father Frost.
Give your child a Bit of Magic and Belief in Santa Claus.
Grandfather frost, to contact the child personally by name to play with him in a game of riddles. Very beautiful Animation + Real Santa Claus.
you can get a gift on DVD.
example: pozdravlenie
Also on sale:
Gifts to each client.
1.Lush Artificial Christmas Tree from 60 to 350 cm
2. Fireworks at the lowest prices
3. Live Christmas Trees, the lush quality + gift each, Free shipping!
4. Decorations, balloons, Christmas tree so the same wholesale price is lower than in China, we will send you the price.
Price, rubles: 350
Currency: Rubles