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Legal services - honestly, competently and on time

Offer type: servicesPublished: 04.12.2014
Seller:Savchenko Mihail
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Time can't find a suitable contract among the many templates on the Internet and don't know how to bring it in line with Your desires?
The debtors are not in a hurry to return You the money?
The car crashed into an accident, but the insurance does not pay or pays You a penny?
Just opened your business and don't know how to approach the shaft of legal issues that You hit?
The team of highly skilled professionals and efficiently will help You to solve all questions.
Our main services:
- Representation of clients ' interests in arbitration courts and courts of General jurisdiction;
- Legal support organizations;
- Corporate law (Registration of legal entity, holding DM, OSA, issue of shares and so on);
- Family and labour law;
Insurance disputes CASCO and OSAGO;