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Boiler equipment

Offer type: salePublished: 20.12.2013
Seller:Semenova Lera 88007000643
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Boiler plant produces hot water and steam boilers, furnaces, gas and oil boilers, modular boilers fuel injection systems and slag, cyclones, exhaust machine and water treatment systems:
- hot water boilers CWR 0,15 - CWR of 4.0.
- water boilers fired furnaces TSPM, TLP, PO PKK - KVM 0,8-KVM to 4.0.
- hot water boilers for gas, diesel, fuel oil Boiler KVA 0,47 - Boiler 4,0 KVA
steam boilers on gas, coal, wood, diesel, fuel oil, capacity 300 kg/h 500 kg/h 700 kg/h 1000 kg/h, KV-300 - 200000 rubles, KV-500 - 390000 RUB, KV-700 - 414000 RUB, KV-1000 - 548000 RUB
- water-heating boilers with wood CWR-0,23 KD, CWR-0.35 CD, CWR-0,47 KD, CWR-0,58 KD, CWR-0,7 KD, Valve-0,93 KD, CWR-1,28 KD.