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The company "Zagranpasport-visa: to obtain a passport of a new design in Russia, you can quickly and without too much hassle

Offer type: servicesPublished: 06.12.2013
From July 1, residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and two regions - Moscow and Leningrad can get a passport with biometric data, which include the fingerprints of the owners. According to some reports, this procedure is mandatory for residents of all regions of Russia in 2015.
The company "Zagranpasport-visa" which is more than seven years provides tourist nature, offers its clients all the necessary assistance in obtaining a new type of passports, including a particularly difficult situation, and also provides free advice on obtaining biometric passports.
The company "Zagranpasport-visa" has extensive experience in the resolution of disputes of any complexity. To contact the company by phone 8(495) 545-45-57, as well as using e-mail Website: