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Pipe used 1220h10, 1220h12 mm

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:PP "Intelektual'ni Finansovi Sistemi"
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

The organization realizes from a warehouse, Kiev pipe b/f 1220h10 and 1220h12 mm Trimmed beam. Deliver vehicles in Ukraine. Possible waterproofing pipe.
Also available pipe used in the following diameters: 219, 273, 325, 377, 426, 530, 630, 720, 820, 920, 1020, 1420 mm.

Restored b / and old pipes are widely used in industry and construction for due to their low compared to new prices. Used find and pipe from under the gas, oil, and even from under water. Basically restored pipe used in building constructions as piers, poles, chimneys and t . d . and sometimes even and pipelines for technical purposes.