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Potatoes wholesale direct supplier from Ukraine

Offer type: salePublished: 14.11.2016
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Address:Republic of Belarus, Minsk
A leading agricultural company in Ukraine "the Agricultural Centre" carries out deliveries of food potatoes unwashed and washed in CIS countries, EU, CIS and Far abroad. Potatoes - tasty, quick, and an average boiling soft, oval and elongated, without damage and scab, visually beautiful, high quality, meets the indicators of the EU for processing. Well suited for long term storage and well transportable over long distances. POTATOES ARE OF TWO TYPES: - unwashed; - washed. Variety: "Melody", "Enorme", "Belaross", "Konekt", "Red Lady", "Picasso". Caliber: 5+ Packaging: mesh 18-20 kg AT THE INDIVIDUAL REQUEST: - calibrated potatoes of 8+ - fill in grid (with handles) for 2 kg, 4 kg and 10 kg; - supply of washed potatoes (is, line); - Packed in mesh "Barnabas", h: potatoes, carrots, onions, beet. Terms of delivery: FCA Kherson On europallets, platinum. For details, call: +380671898070 Skype: tanya_biz Website: Seven days a week, 24/7