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Implement machines PRO-4M for cold forging and flexible pipes

Offer type: salePublished: 24.11.2014
Seller:Aleksandr Anatol'evich
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Address:Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk Oblast, Ulyanovsk
Sell universal machines "PRO-4M for the manufacture of shaped pipes and other metal art products, by method of cold forging. Which, in the future, certain combinations are welded together, fences, gates, canopies and much more.
This modern equipment, which will increase the volume and level of your production, improve productivity and product quality.
The machine is "PRO-4M rapid return on investment, this is a great solution for the small workshop or for industrial production. The cost of the equipment 185000 rubles. Pickup or delivery transportation company in any region of Russia.
If you want to buy the machine, please call us. We are always happy to help you solve your problems!