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Ready-to-business Internet-shop bedding

Offer type: salePublished: 21.11.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sells its own ready - to-business online store linen "Sleep Sweet". The website advertised that has a good reputation. High traffic areas. There are more than 2 years. Promotion Seopult, Yandex, Yandex Market. Some of the requests on the first pages of search engines.
You get ready, promoted business.
The site itself, with paid hosting for a year and the brand name.
Simple control system.
Beautiful city phone number.
Contacts suppliers in Moscow (cost effective and convenient layout, and delivery). The work done on the selection. You do not need to purchase the goods in advance.
About 40 positions available (should be).
Social networking groups
Hurry! New year, February 23 and March 8, the busiest time for sales