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delivery of products for cancer treatment from Europe. Gleevec, Diferelin, Tarceva.

Offer type: salePublished: 19.11.2014
Seller:Kushnir Anella
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Address:Donets'ka Oblast', Donetsk, Ukraine
Looking for a partner for delivery of products for cancer treatment from Europe. Gleevec, Diferelin, Tarceva.
Ready to sign an agreement on a long-term cooperation with suppliers of products for cancer treatment from Europe. Basic job requirements: reliability, ability to negotiate, the promptness of the order, the original drugs. From my side I guarantee at the time of pick up and pay for orders. At the moment the most relevant products are: Taxol, Tarceva, Temodal, Tutuban, Faslodex, femara, Fludara, Eloxatin, Eprex, Erbitux, Extavia, Exjade. By visiting the website You will be able to see the entire range of relevant drugs. We can be reached by phone or send an email to email address