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Buy oncological medicines from Europe. Pegasis, Femara, Casodex. Opt.

Offer type: salePublished: 05.11.2014
Seller:Kushko Anella
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Buy oncological medicines from Europe. Pegasis, Femara, Casodex. Opt.
In connection with the expansion of the range of marketed drugs are looking for regular suppliers of products for cancer treatment from Europe. To establish stable partnerships can personally fly abroad. Will consider only real suggestions for the long term. The list of procured medicines placed on The most current position: Evitaxl, Avastin, AWACS, Avonex, Actilyse, Kolya, arimidex, Atgam, Afinitor, Baraclude, Betaferon, Bonefos, Valcyte. You can contact me by e-mail and the numbers that You see under the Declaration. Tel:+380631523312