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Molds for the production of polyurethane foam shell

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:TOV SKF Stroj
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

      LTD SCF-STROY" (, Dnepropetrovsk) engaged in manufacturing of molds for the manufacture of the shell of foam all thicknesses and diameters.

The main differences of our forms from analogues:
An exact match of the geometric dimensions form the size of the required diameter of the pipeline;
The inner surface of the processed mechanical method for reducing adhesion;
High strength characteristics;
Light weight facilitates easy movement when replacement forms, as well as to quickly warm when pouring.

We produce two segmental shape with a diameter from 18 mm to 720 mm, standard long form 1 meter.
We can manufacture custom sizes to fit Your technical conditions.


Sincerely, Vitaly, the company GFR-OPERATION.

so 0675604949 bubble-ice@yandex.EN ,