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Second hand from England wholesale.

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Price:5 EUR
Company:Textil Trade
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Address:Poland, Lyublin
Sorting plant Textil Trade in Poland offers a sorted Second hand and not sorted the original from England, Scotland, Ireland, Sweden. The sorted goods on the season, type, sex, and quality. A lot of children's clothing and shoes, toys. All the bags from 5 to 30 kg Not sorted from the original 100 kg. Our products can be viewed before purchase, all the documents provided. We invite you to cooperation! Our wholesale bases are located in several regions of Poland. The main warehouse is near Gdansk, 83-250 G. Skarszewy, street Górna 3. OR the nearest warehouse from Ukraine : 20-515 Lublin, the Zemborzyce Teresinski 49 (6 km from Lublin) Textil Trade Fabryka Odzieży Sortowanej 83-250 Skarszewy, ul. Górna 3 58/560-09-13 lub 58/588-06-74