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Live desktop, live tables in Kiev, living dolls, live mannequins, live sculptures, live tables for meeting guests, live tables

Offer type: servicesPublished: 01.11.2013
Seller:Ivanovich Vitalij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Live tables is an effective tool for receptions, exhibitions, BTL promotions, hostess, etc.
The use of the table provides the allocation of food (buffet), printing (exhibition), promotional
probes (BTL), Souvenirs and gifts (hostess), while direct contact
girls and client. "The live Desk" can tell about the proposed dish, field
the Exhibitor, the conditions of this campaign format festivities to welcome guests, to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Hurry up to be the best!
Details on the website:
"Happiness formula"
02105, ,Kiev, PR-t Mira 4, .
Phone +38 (044) 362-34-81
mob. +38 (098) 501-95-03
mob. +38 (063) 463-75-10