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Pipe used h, h, h, h mm

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:PP "Intelektual'ni Finansovi Sistemi"
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Pipe used h, h, h, h mm from stock, in Kiev. Trimmed turcomania, from under the water. Deliver vehicles in Ukraine. Possible waterproofing pipe. Also in stock, in Kiev there are pipes b/f 159-1420 mm.

Pipe used include two categories of pipes. First, it's stale pipes, who was in the State reserve and were not used. Secondly, this pipe to be removed when parsing pipelines, mains and other designs. Advantages pipes obvious - they are much cheaper than new, and are in good condition, particularly after the recovery process used pipe - cleaning, sandblasting, slicing.