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Cultivator KRN - 5,6-Reinforced LCC krnv)

Offer type: salePublished: 05.03.2020
Seller:Shevchenko Yurij
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Address:Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv, Ukraine

Cultivator KRN - 5,6-Reinforced LCC krnv) Cultivator row 5,6-reinforced LCC ) LCC 5.6 m with fertilizer system KRN - 5,6(under 8 seed drill) and KRN - 4,2(under 6-row a trusted friend of the farmer in the fight against weeds of row crops and at the same time making various of mineral fertilizers. Frame(timber) - 140 Oh, amplified section on the four 205-x bearings, simple design time-tested. Completed fertilizer distributing machines and transport device.