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Caviar Sterlet

Offer type: salePublished: 04.11.2016
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

The product of aquaculture from females reared in artificial conditions.

Size eggs 1.5-2 mm

Offer we obtained eggs from females reared in artificial conditions.
Methods of processing caviar allow you to save the unique combination of taste and environmental cleanliness inherent in caviar from wild fish.

Products packaged under vacuum in glass and crystal jars up to 100g, so and in tins of greater volume.

One of the most interesting varieties of caviar. Connoisseurs have long tasted this amazing delicacy.
An individual has a memorable taste and a rich palette of finish.
Color varies from light gray to dark gray shades.

The production of this caviar uses only salt and no other preservatives.
Be careful when choosing caviar, carefully study its composition, stick specified on the label storage conditions and a nice appetit!

Also offer black caviar of Bester and Russian Sturgeon.