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Sell walnut kernel in large volumes

Offer type: salePublished: 24.10.2015
Price:1 UAH
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Organization implements the kernel of a walnut in large volumes:

1/2 dark amber = 120 UAH/kg, in the presence of 600 kg;
Light amber 1/4 = 110 UAH/kg, in the presence of 1260 kg;
1/8+1/16 dark and light amber = 90 UAH/kg, in the presence of 970 kg;
Amber mix (total mass of all fractions) = 110 UAH/kg, in the presence of 900 kg;
Confectionaries = 70 UAH/kg, in the presence of 290 kg.

The harvest of 2014!!!

Will send New Mail or pickup from the Dnieper.