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Sold the plant for the production of reinforced concrete products

Offer type: salePublished: 30.10.2014
Seller:Andrej Il'ich Osman
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
The plant is located in the South of St. Petersburg. To the CR of 9.5 km
Regular clients are the leading developers of SPb - Building trust, Petersburg real Estate, LenSpetsSMU, BFA-development.
Available - shafts for elevators; ventilation units; staircases; columns; linear; piles; road plates; Foundation blocks; any flat items of size m h
The performance of 2,000 cubic meters per month. Average turnover per month 15-20 million.
The production facilities are located in buildings and on land plot of 15 757 square feet in the property. The plant is equipped with the most modern production. equipment. Power supply 150 kW, there is a possibility to conclude a contract with Lenenergo on the extra power. There is a contract with the water utility at the Central water, with the GTS. Winter provided around the clock.