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valid medical center, M. Leninsky Prospekt

Offer type: salePublished: 28.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Sold current multidisciplinary medical center. Moscow, M. Leninsky Prospekt, (10 min. walk). Price: 3 500 000 rubles Duration: 4.5 years. The license is perpetual.
The medical center is located on the ground floor of a residential building, the first line of houses, private entrance. 5 phone lines MGTS, Internet, SIP telephony.
Cabinets with a fresh renovation. 6 fully equipped rooms, as well as, reception room of the administration, the staff lounge. All rooms and hotel are air conditioned, have a fire and burglar alarm system.
The area m, direct lease from the owner, 190 000 rubles
License: gynecology, ophthalmology, surgery, neurology, internal medicine, otolaryngology, occupational diseases, functional diagnostics, medical examinations, examination of temporary disability.