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Sell sawn timber of high quality wood

Offer type: salePublished: 25.10.2014
We are working on the market of building materials for over ten years, and during that time have accumulated a huge experience in selling lumber. In our stores you will find as planed lumber ( batten, planed boards, timber, block house, lining, lining), and cutting lumber ( timber, brick, boards, edged and unedged sawn timber. As well as molded products, MDF, furniture Board and more
The company "HELCOM" is your reliable partner and helper in all that relates to the purchase of timber from high quality wood. Our offer is addressed to all manufacturing firms, organizations engaged in construction and repair, private, masters, providing services of the relevant kind, and others interested in profitable acquisition and subsequent sale of lumber directly from the manufacturer. Here you can make a single purchase of the required amount of lumber. And to conclude the contract for delivery in any city.