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attraction night hunter

Offer type: salePublished: 24.10.2014
Seller:Ivanov Alex
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Krasnodar
An interesting attraction for visitors from 5 years requiring precision in the hit area of 6 square meters , quickly assembled , does not require expensive materials, is easy to maintain .
Each "sniper" given the Darts at number 10 units ,the task of each throw of the dart to hit a ball (burst)having at least three ball player receives children's prize ,hitting 10 balls the player gets a super prize.
Fast payback occurs due to exciting gambling idea ,bright design
Packing list :.collapsible steel , case color design, a set of Darts , 2 combs for the installation of beads .
The product is an attraction not high-risk and can be operated independently or as part of the complex
Buy attraction to work - this is a great profitable business
Contact phone +79788502838
Skype: A9454777