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Winch research

Offer type: salePublished: 23.10.2014
Seller:Sviridov Roman
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
Winch research provides descent and ascent depth research instruments (gauges, samplers, catching mouth, catching collet, scraper) in the course of research, or repair of wells with depths up to 6000 m
Drive type winch: electric, hydraulic, mechanical, and combined electrical and mechanical (LIS-uh).
Equipment winches:
counter depth WITH mechanical-35;
- gear winch with integrated multi-disc clutch;
- automatic stacker wire with a mechanical drive;
- Electromechanical sensor emergency tensioning;
- protective casing of Wloclawek to increase the operating resource;
- multi-plate clutch;
- set removable reels;
- hand brake Shoe type;
- ratchet brake to hold the device at the specified depth.
Manufacturer: OOO "Ecolight-Technics