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The downhole lubricator

Offer type: salePublished: 23.10.2014
Seller:Sviridov Roman
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Address:Russian Federation, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny
The downhole lubricator LS-35 for deep descent devices from local or remote registration of the measured parameters in the course of geophysical research.
Picking lubricator:
- receiving chamber (tube) length not more than 3000 mm;
- sealing device of the multiple series of seals;
- tap for etching pressure;
- flange for mounting onto the wellhead.
clips: lower and upper
Options lubricators: 350, 210, 140 ATM
- Diameter: 65 mm
- Pressure conditional: 14 / 21 / 35 MPa
- Pressure test: 52,5 MPa
- The height of chamber: up to 3000 mm (by consent)
- Working temperature: -40 C to +50 C
The diameter of the scraper wire: up to 3 mm
- Flange diameter: 195 mm
- Roller diameter: 250 mm
Manufacturer: OOO "Ecolight-Technics