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Guillotine shears NA

Offer type: salePublished: 17.10.2014
Seller:Zajtsev Yurij Aleksandrovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Tverskaya Oblast'
Guillotine shears, guillotines are designed for straight cutting of sheet and strip material. Used in harvesting the shops of machine-building enterprises.
The scissors you can cut non-metallic sheet materials excluding dull and cracking of the edges of the knives. Base team with a fixed table on which a fixed set of knives. Knife beam is moved along the lateral roller supports, and in front of two flat rails. Cut the sheet at the time of cutting is pressed to the table with hydraulic clamps. Management guillotine scissors button and pedal. Mode: up, single and continuous stroke.
Scissors models NA are the main technological units of equipment for cutting sheet ACNE. The complex also includes a feed device model UP, truck sliding model T6.
The largest dimensions of the cut sheet, mm, GB=500 MP, mm, not more
- maximum 12
- minimum 2
- width 3150
The greatest length of the cut strip on the plate 1000 mm
The frequency of the strokes of the knife, min
auxiliary 40
- when cutting the longest dimension of the cut sheet 12
The angle of the movable knife 1 gr. 40 minutes
The stroke of the hydraulic clamps 25
Allowable cutting force, kN 670
The contact pressure of the sheet, kN 192
The moving speed of the rear stop, m/min 0-3,6
The air pressure in the network, MPa 0,45
Total power of electric motors, kW 14,35
The distance from the floor level to the top of the knife 800 mm
The distance between the posts in the light, 3300 mm
The dimensions of the scissors without attached equipment, mm
- front to back 2075
from left to right 4615
- height 2190
Lots of scissors without attached equipment, kg 15800