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Sell active online. store (60000 net)Moscow

Offer type: salePublished: 14.10.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
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- 2 single-page site (each under 1 article);
- configured Yandex direct;
- customized Google AdWords;
management table with detailed data for all possible conversions, starting from June 2014 - the best tool for building development strategies and track the effectiveness of advertising channels;
- trade balance 15 thousand for the purchase of that sales price not less than 100 000 rubles;
- practical advice and guidance on the maintenance and development of the store within 1 month;
"I'll tell suppliers and courier company
- the bonus will tell you which product should be output next!
This store is perfect for someone who wanted to start a business on the Internet.
Made for a younger brother, he is not pulled, and the store needs to be addressed.